Courses At Global Skill Development and Vocational Training


Computers have brought about major changes in all spheres of life, especially in business and management. Today we cannot imagine the world without a computer. Nowadays, computers are widely used for education and training purposes also. In schools, computers have become a learning tool for children. Indeed, a student can use the PC as a storage system for many books.
While studying computer applications, you will learn about the basics of computers. One also gets to know about the internet and web page designing visual basic (VB), MS access. With the knowledge acquired from a diploma course in computer application exciting jobs in IT are available. You can also add value to your candidature by opting for this correspondence course while working. The curriculum is appropriately designed as per the need of the present-day teaching profession. Basic computer knowledge with English speaking skills is very helpful for prospective candidates for their careers.

Benefits of Computer courses
1. It has become essential to learn computer applications these days.
2. It is unthinkable in the present world to live without the knowledge of the computer and its application in day-to-day life.
3. Persons having no computer application knowledge are considered illiterate all over the world.
4. Computer knowledge has become indispensable in present situations.
5. Even small children in urban and rural areas aspire operating computers.
6. Computer application is needed in every activity of human life, i.e. games, music, trade and commerce, engineering, medical and Scientific, business, industry, Accounts, Research, etc.


Elementary Child Care & Education


Nursery Teachers’ Training


Primary Teachers’ Training


Computer Application


Yoga Teachers’ Training


Diploma in Yogic Science


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